Pray that God will bring us another staff member for our digital team and the finances to allow us to grow this week.
Pray that Escalante Golf decides to come to Allen High School harvest time either on November 20th or the first two weeks of December.
Pray for healing for staff and their families.
Please pray for pacing with all our marketing plans and video projects, health for our team, and a breakthrough in national implementation.
Pray that our efforts will bear fruit.
Pray that the hearts of the youth pastors we are meeting with this week are open to hearing about our mission.
Pray for Jacob, who was in Morris this week asking for a few different churches to support Collision in the Twin Cities; please pray for the Spirit of God to move in those conversations.
Sioux Falls
Pray that God’s will will be done on every school campus in Sioux Falls and around this Nation.
Please pray for Brooke, who fell yesterday and may have a mild concussion- May she experience healing.
Pray for our meeting with Gordan and Brady in Brandon this week and that God will continue to bring people (churches, volunteers, teachers, business leaders) who align with our vision to Brandon!
Pray for high school students at SFC to start meeting and for the leading teacher as he receives training on Wednesday.
Thank you for your prayers!
Use these resources to help pray specifically each day.