"And so, from the day we heard, we have not ceased to pray for you.." Colossians 1:9

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Prayer Fuel

Prayer Requests 10/03/24


 Pray that we will honor the Lord this week with all that we do. If there are things that are pulling us away from Him, the Holy Spirit will nudge us and help us to keep our eyes fixed on Jesus.

Pray for upcoming trips to Pennsylvania and Dallas. May the Lord open doors, open heavens, and give the donors who will be invited to join us increased vision. 

Pray for health for our staff and for God’s provision for those raising support. 

Pray for those students who lack support at home or school. Pray that they find their support in the Lord.

Pray for Wisdom and insight from the Lord in marketing. 

Pray for Abby’s sister, who is going through a difficult season and could use encouragement.

Pray for wisdom and the Holy Spirit working through every conversation.

For God’s favor in our conversations with churches and open doors for partnership.


Pray for Anna as she meets with a local church this week, whether for partnership or connecting her with their network. May the Holy Spirit guide her in wisdom and truth!

May the Lord bring the right people whose hearts align with our mission!


Pray for the Lord to give Carson continued direction, and may He seek the kingdom of heaven first. 

South Dakota 

Pray for more students to say yes to sharing the gospel and making disciples and for more churches to partner with Collision. 

Pray for Brett and his wife, as they have a couple of funerals this week (lost 2 people close to them recently).

Pray for Levi’s wife and baby’s health and comfort, as the baby could be born any day now!

Pray for Brooke’s new Niece Perpetua Mae, that she would gain weight and her bilirubin numbers would go down, And that her sister Megan continues to heal with no complications.

Pray for Brooke’s safe travels as she heads to Seattle on Wednesday. She will vision cast with a church there and maybe even do some training if the process goes quickly.

Pray for more team coaches. 


Pray for the students at Stonebriar, Cottonwood Creek, Eitz Chaim, & Brookhaven. May the Lord give them boldness and courage to walk as ambassadors in their schools and not ignore opportunities to share His love and hope.

Pray for increase from the seeds that have been sown. Ben, Carson, and Gabe have had a BUNCH of golf meetings over the last month. They are waiting with trust and excitement on where the Lord will bring increase.

Pray for the next week of meetings that Ben, Carson, Marc, Kassidy, and Gabe have for DFW. May the Lord bestow favor and blessing through these meetings not only on Collision, but on the groups they are meeting with. Pray that fruit would spring forth from an open heart to partner with this mission.

Pray that our hearts as staff, the hearts of the students, and the hearts of our church partners are impacted afresh by the revelation of Jesus’s love for us and how He chose us in the midst of our mess. He calls us into restored relationship, and we are seated with Him as His chosen bride!

Pray for traction with our church partners to operate well in our houses of peace.

Pray for a new vision cast at Frisco First (Baptist) to explore partnership in late October.

Praying as a group?

Leading others in prayer is a great step in making disciples. We want to celebrate your and their faithfulness. For each person that prays with you, we will add 15 minutes to the 37.3 days of prayer committed so far.

How many prayed today (including yourself)?

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(Prayer time: 15 min)

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